Success Story by AK from the Natural Health Forum
"I've suffered from
chronic costo for 3 years now. My doctor gave me an ultrasound for gallbladder, and then
an MRI. Everything was negative, except for a fatty liver diagnosis. All he did was
prescribe painkillers, which really did very little when I was having an attack. My attacks
usually happened when I was standing and then twisted around at a certain angle. It
usually put me off my feet for hours after that. I haven't been able to do sit-ups for years,
for fear of pain. I can barely do housework.
So, I am now pain free, and I thought I'd share what I did in case anyone is interested.
I'm not a big herb taker or health food nut. Never have been. When the Dr said that I'd
just have to live with this, I thought, no way, my life will be over. I ended up on a website
called, which is alternative medicine. I plunged into a complete body detox.
I did a liver cleanse first, which involves epsom salt and olive oil. Then I got some safe
parasite cleanses from Colonix. I also started a colon cleanse with this stuff called
oxypowder. Believe me, I am very careful about what I put in my body, so all this stuff is
pretty benign (no strange chinese herbs, etc). Then, to top it off I started getting hydro
colon therapy. I started all this two months ago. Within one month my pain is gone, and
has not recurred at all. The funny side effect to all this is that I lost 35 pounds in two
months (which I really needed to do).
I also gave up coffee for green tea (which does contain some caffeine) and surprisingly I
don't miss coffee at all. Believe me, I LOVED coffee.
Then last but not least, I take ginger caps for pain, and tumeric caps (the spice in curry)
for inflammation. I honestly believe that inflammation is KEY in costo (well, obviously).
I think that alot of costo cases come from chronic inflammation, stress and your internal
organs crying out for help. That is for the chronic cases.
Make use your doctor gets you an ultrasound for your gall bladder. This is important. But
please, do not consider surgery until you look at all the alternatives.
If my costo was from stress, I have to tell you that detoxing your body really does give you
a great deal of calm. I feel half my age. So I don't know if my organs were making the
situation worse, or if by working on my organs, I alleviated stress. I don't care either, but I
am totally, completely pain free. Some other things did happen too, weight loss, eyes
became white and clear, complexion is fantastic, arthritis in knee is gone, lower back pain
is gone, allergies are gone, black circles under my eyes are almost gone. I also
discovered, much to my great surprise and delight, that I was harboring quite a few
parasites. Yuck, I know, but I'm glad they are somewhere else now, not in me. Also, my
husband started doing this and he popped at least one Tagamet a day for heartburn. He
has not taken one tab for a month and a half. He also had bad breath, for years, and it's
completely gone (thank goodness).
Check out the following:
Dr. Natura for Colonix - read the testimonials
Dr. Hulda Clark at for details on the liver flush - all natural, don't need to
buy a thing
search for oxy-powder - colon cleanse
If you are interested in Hydro Colon Therapy (this was a rush completely) you can find info
on the curezone, or just look up in a search engine
You can easily get tumeric and ginger at any grocery store that sells vitamins
I had to come back and share with you all. Thanks for listening!"
And now she is gone.
5 years ago
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